Tuesday 22 December 2015

Christmas Stockings

Day 22
Christmas Stocking Stuffers For EVERYONE!

Today I'm talking stockings... Christmas stockings (and what we're all putting in them)... except I don't think I'm putting anything in any Christmas stockings so well... I would say this is all a lie BUT if I needed to fill some stockings this is what I might include (or maybe I'll look back on this in a few years for ideas).

I can't imagine me spending more than $20 on Christmas stocking stuffers.... can you imagine if you have more than a few kids... just the stockings could end up costing a bunch!  So, shop smart folks.. Walmart has a $5 movie bin with many great movies in it... Michaels has 40% off coupons all the time... and well the Dollar Store has rows upon rows of stuff for under a few dollars.

Kids Stockings

- movies
- little stuffies
- travel sized games or card games
-  books
-  little toys
-  colouring books
-  stickers
-  headbands
-  socks, mitts, toque, scarf
-  candy, chocolate

Teen Stockings

-  make up, nail polish
-  movies
-  gift cards
-  books, magazine subscription
-  electronic game (I don't play any of these... but I'm thinking like Nintendo which is probably SO not in).
-  socks, mitts, toque, scarf
-  hair elastics
-  candy, chocolate

Adult Stockings

-  books, magazine subscriptions
-  socks, mitts, toque, scarf
-  movie
- gift cards
-  nail polish
-  small kitchen gadgets of some kind, coasters
-  ornaments
-  sunglasses
-  small notebook, pens
-  candles
-  tea
-  coffee

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