Tuesday 29 December 2015

What I Gave This Christmas

Day 29
What I Gave For Christmas

First, with John's family the kids all drew names... I got his sister's name that lives up North so I bought her present forever ago it seems so that John's mom could bring it to her when she visited.  She got a rectangular pizza stone (which I found at Home Outfitters for a reasonable prince - trust me it wasn't easy to find it!) and a Sephora gift card.

I gave John part of his present early because his favourite NHL team was here at the beginning of December.  His present was 2 tickets to the game (and he picked me to go with him!)

But then I figured he needed something to open Christmas as well.  I was going to sneak the little Lego man (the middle item) into his stocking here but I didn't think we would be here at on Christmas so I just put all the items in a gift bag and brought it to his parents place.

What is everything?
Well, from left to right we have...
1.  An Ovechkin Christmas tree ornament.  The guy at the store told me it didn't look anything like Ovechkin and I told him that didn't matter.  What matters is that now John will have an ornament on his tree from this girl (because he has a bunch of different ornaments on his tree from different girls - his mom, his piano teacher, his Sunday school teacher.... he needed one from me!)
2.  Ovechkin Lego man.  John likes Lego.  John likes the Capitals.  John likes Ovechkin.
3.  This was the first thing I bought him... just a travel mug.  Why?  Because he doesn't have one.

Can you tell what the theme was?

I would like to think I really did well with his present... and I didn't even have to ask him what he wanted!

For my parents I bought them a gift card for ticket master.  I find them so hard to buy for so I usually end up getting them tickets to something.  Originally I was going to send them to a hockey game with my aunt and uncle but that kind of fell through when I needed to have the item purchased before I left on Christmas Eve.  So, now they can pick something that they actually want to see.

These were pretty much it... there were a few smaller ones and I think John put my name on his present to his parents (and I put his name on my present to my parents).  

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